A BPMN activity marked with three small lines, is a multi-instance activity. As the name already indicates, such an activity can be performed several times. Other than with a loop, you don’t need to carry out the activity instances one after the other, until a certain condition is fulfilled. Instead, a multi-instance activity is performed for each element of a list. This can be done in parallel, i. e. in any arbitrary order, or even simultaneously (e. g. by different users).
The video shows an example with an order that contains several line items. Each line item is inspected separately. You can download the model and execute it in the free community edition of Bonita.

You can download the project file for the Community Edition of the Bonita platform.
Prerequisite: Bonita version 2021.2 and above.
- Import bos file in Bonita into a new project.
- In „Organization“: Deploy „BPMCO.organization“ (default user: admin).
- Deploy Business Data Model.
- In „Diagrams“: Deploy the diagram (or press „Run“ to deploy the diagram and directly start the execution in one step).
- With „Applications“ you can open the portal. Select „Bonita User Application“.
- The default password is „bpm“.